Privacy Policy

DinoBox Thailand Privacy Policy

DinoBox recognizes the importance of maintaining your personal information or data and privacy. DinoBox has established a Privacy Policy to guarantee our practices in using the application. DinoBox reaffirms its commitment to protecting privacy. Personal information of any customer or user who have visited or accessed through the website and/or application


DinoBox may change this Privacy Policy from time to time as necessary. Changes will be displayed on the website and application.


Scope of Privacy Policy

This policy covers DinoBox's actions with respect to personal information collected from your access to the website or application. Personal data is information that allows an individual to be identified, such as first name, last name, age, gender, address, telephone number, email address, GPS photo, location, or scanned QR code.


This policy applies only to DinoBox websites and applications to measure campaign effectiveness and/or to personalize the content you see on websites and applications you visit.


Third Party Privacy Policy

DinoBox Thailand's Privacy Policy does not apply to any other advertisers or websites. Therefore, we are advising you to consult the respective Privacy Policies of these third-party ad servers for more detailed information. It may include guidelines and instructions on how to opt-out of certain options. You can view a complete list of our privacy policies and their links here: Privacy Policy Links.


You can choose to disable cookies through your personal browser options. For more detailed information about cookie management with specific web browsers, visit They can be viewed at the respective browser's website. What are cookies?


Children's information


Another priority for us is to increase protection for children. while using the internet We encourage parents and guardians to observe, participate in, and/or monitor and guide their online activity.



DinoBox Thailand does not knowingly collect any personal information from children under 13. If you think that your child provided this kind of information on our website, please contact us. We encourage you to contact us immediately and we will do our best. to promptly remove such information from our records;


Online Privacy Policy Only

This Privacy Policy applies only to our online activities. and applies to visitors to our websites or applications with respect to information that they have shared and/or collected on DinoBox Thailand. This policy does not apply to any information collected offline or through channels other than From this website and application



By using our website or application, you consent to our Privacy Policy and agree to its terms and conditions.